Monday, October 27, 2008

A MTYH is an ancient belief that explains why things are.  They also can't be proven.  The story of Hercules.

HEROES are unique individuals who go on a journey to protect or change his or her community.  They also have a flaw which makes them human.  The story of Atalanta is an example of a hero.

A Hero must go on a HERO JOURNEY.  It's a journey that helps them change and bring a gift or boon back to their community. The sun god Ra goes on a hero journey every single day.

UNIVERSAL means appling to all.  It is both one thing and everything at the same time.  An example is Pandora's curiosity, which is universal.

An ARCHETYPE is an original kind or model.  The three archetypal images of creation are an egg, a watery abyss and a chaotic void.  Three archetypal heroes is Cultural, Trickster and Human.

A CYCLICAL pattern is on that is constantly repeating and cycling.  The Hero Journey is an example of cyclical because it seems to be the same in every religion and belief.

LIFE FROM DEATH is the belief that in order for somethings to live, something else must die.  An example is that for people to live plants and animals must die so we can be fed and live.  Another example is the life of a phoenix, which burns and from the ashes springs a new bird.

DUALITY  is the quality of opposites  existing at one time.  They compliment each other.  For example the ying-yang is an example of good and evil.  Another example is the choice between right and wrong, or between land and water.

CREATION is the beginning of everything.  It was how the earth and gods got started.  The story of creation is when Uranos was killed and his body parts and became the earth.

MATRIARCHAL is the foundation of female power.  It is the foundation of the mother ruling and being the head of the house.  An example is Mother Earth.

PATRIARCHAL is the foundation of male power.  The thought that the male is the head of the house.  An example is Father Sky.

SACRIFICE is giving up something to help others.  An example is Prometheus who sacrificed his life to help people by giving them fire.

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