Friday, January 16, 2009

Sagbata and Sogbo

Ariel Johnson
Independent Myth Project
Mythology p. 2
10 December 2008

The Quarrel Between Sagbata and Sogbo
Once upon a time after the Great Goddess Mawu had created the universe she stepped aside and let her two sons, Sagbata and Sogbo rule the world together. However, the two brothers could never agree on anything and finally the two boys had had enough. Sagbata had enough with Sogbo and all their arguing. He packed up all the belongings that were his and went down to the earth to live.
As a result, Sagbata became the ruler of the lower part of the universe, the earth. His brother Sogbo became ruler of the upper universe, and also the ruler of the thunder and fire of lightning.
After some time, the earth realized they had not seen any rain for many weeks. They started crying to Sagbata to send rain to nourish their land and provide food and water. He told them to not worry, that rain would come. But no rain came. A year passed and no rain. A second year passed with no rain. A third rain came and still no rain.
Sagbata sent for two sky-beings that speak prophecy. He asked them why it hadn’t rained in three years. This was their reply, “It clear from the arrangement of these seeds that you and your younger brother have argued because both of you wants the same thing. It is also clear that if you are to live peacefully with your brother, you will have to meet his demands.” Sagbata was worried this couldn’t be possible because of the distance between him and his brother. The sky-beings told him to summon Sogbo’s messenger, the bird Wututu, and tell him to fly to Sogbo and tell him that you are offering him part of all the riches of the earth in return for water.
Immediately Sagbata summoned the bird and gave him the message for Sogbo. Sogbo accepted the agreement and almost instantly sheets and sheets of rain fell from the sky. As a result, the brothers lived as friends.
African Mythology
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Monday, December 1, 2008



Norse Mythology Definitions

Vikings- A Norse explorer, warrior or merchant who raided and colonized areas in Europe from the eighth century to the eleventh century.

Ginnungagap- A vast void that existed prior to the creation of the universe.

Nifleheim- The northern realm of Ginnungagap that consisted of ice and intense cold.

Muspellheim- The southern realm of fire and heat in Ginnungagap.

Yggdrasil- The "World Tree" that was located at the center of the universe and joined the nine worlds of Norse mythology.

Asgard- The world and home of the Gods.

Midgard- The world inhabitated by humans.

Hel- The home of the dead.

Bifrost Bridge- The bridge that leads from Midgard, the realm of humans, to Asgard, the realm of gods. It is a divine rainbow.

Ymir- The first Frost Giant that created the race of giants from his sweat. When Ymir was killed the blood from his wounds almost drowned the entire frost giant tribe. Then his body was used to create Midgard. His flesh was the earth, his blood formed seas and lakes. His bones became mountains and his teeth became stones. His hair grew into trees and his skull was set above Ginnungagap and made the sky. Ymir's brains became clouds.

Odin- The son of Bestla and Bor. He was the oldest and greatest.

Frigg- Odins wife. She was a cloud spinner and a very powerful goddess.

The Valkyries- Were Odin's daughters, they were the choosers of the slain and the hero selectors.

The Norns- Were goddess who ruled the fates of the mortals.

Thor- A warrior son. He was the son of Odin and the strongest. He was the god of battle, thunder and fertility. He had a fierce temper and he was the owner of Mjolliner, the hammer.

Balder- A beloved son and loved god. The son of Odin and Figg. He was the god of radiance, rebirth, justice and light. He was beautiful and killed by Loki. His death was prophcided to be before Ragnarok.

Njord- Odin's brother. God of wind and sea and the patron sailor.

Frey- God of fertility, prosperity,sun and rain.

Freya- Goddess of love, fertility, magic and death.

dunn- Wife of Bragi. Goddess of youth and keeper of the golden apples.

Loki- Son of Giants, had mixed blood with Odin. He had magic that he used to be evil and a trickster. He was cunning and decietful. He had three evil children.

Fenrir- Son of Loki, he was the wolf.

Jormungandr- Son of Loki, evil world serpent.

Ragnarok- Doomsday, the final battle and the ending of the world.

Runes- a way of communicating by symbols and sounds.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jay Johansen"Mourning." Photo of a painting. 11 November 2008.



